We have finally had the time to count all the money that came in from last Sunday and we are pleased to announce that a fantastic £1,440.00 was raised for The Karl Thomas Memorial Fund, a brilliant effort by everyone involved. 👏
The Club would like to thank Match Sponsor Ian Bowyer Jones, Ball Sponsor The Sunday Club, donations from Chris Price, Gary and Nicki Saunders, everyone who sponsored the players, and spectators who donated to the collection tins and everyone who took part in the quiz.
Since our first fundraiser in 1990 and then mainly through The Karl Thomas Charity Football Matches which started in 1998 the Club has now raised an incredible £24,040.63 for good causes
💙 Our Crest, Our Club, Our Community, Our Cae 💙
#WeAreTheCae #MoreThanAClub